Burnout 3 takedown speedrun
Burnout 3 takedown speedrun

burnout 3 takedown speedrun

" Alright, here's the deal: pick the toughest kid on the block, challenge them to a Face-Off, go one on one against them, winner takes all."."It's not just about the winning, it's about taking them down and the winning! You may think it's easier with one opponent.Remember what you learned, you're gonna need it!" "Well lookie here, you've earned your right to go head-to-head."Remember the rules of Crash? The clue is in the name somewhere."."Remember the rules of Crash? CRASH! How many times, people? How many?".Number 3: target as much traffic as you can, and check your Nav for the latest crash junctions." " Three steps to filling up on adrenaline - number one: use Crash Nav to find yourself a busy crash junction." Take one insane burner, a street filled with traffic, a car filled with boost.SMASH into the crash junction, grab whatever pickups you can, and watch the greatest crashing chain-reaction ever." " It's about causing as much damage as possible." I got a chaos theory for ya: slam into a crash junction and rack up as much damage as possible!"." Aah, the crash junctions are opened for business! How much damage can you create?"." Take one burner, a car filled with boost, streets crammed with traffic, spark the ignition and fly.".Boost, boost, boost people! It's all about speed and control." Oh, and check the clock, it's already ticking!" Burning Laps is what this race is all about. " Fast lap times earn you bragging rights."I know I'm gonna screw it up anyways but, keep on listening."This is Stryker on Crash FM, covering all things Burnout."."What's up you guys? I'm Stryker on Crash.".

burnout 3 takedown speedrun

"I'm crashing out on all things that are supposedly rock.cause you're all listening to this station, with me, Stryker, on Crash FM" " You been listening to Race Radio recently? I DON'T THINK SO." Yeah, they put me in the middle of EVERYTHING Burnout on Crash FM!"." We've got the cars, we've got the locations, and I'm bringing the music.I'll bring my mom, my dad, my criminal brother and all my rock 'n' roll!"

Burnout 3 takedown speedrun